

Since 1979 the Maine Jazz Camp has been introducing jazz to student musicians from all over Maine and beyond. The camp runs week-long sessions for high school and middle school students, however, college students and adults are most welcome. Each week over 50 students participate in an atmosphere of campus living and jazz music, quickly assimilating its program of ensemble playing, improvisation and theory.

Maine Jazz Camp employs a faculty of approximately a dozen professional jazz musicians who currently teach in established colleges and universities (Columbia University, New England Conservatory of Music, Berklee College of Music, etc.). The faculty are not only great jazz musicians but caring teachers who show concern for the development of the young people as they teach.

Through the years Maine Jazz Camp has played home to some of the finest musicians in jazz, including saxophonists George Garzone and Chris Potter, pianist Ran Blake and drummer Bob Gullotti.

The following is a complete list of faculty, past and present:

The asterisk * denotes original faculty member

Past and Present Faculty



Don Nelson* founder
Ted Casher*
John Foss
Steve Grover
Christine Correa



Ethan Iverson
Tim Ray
David Berkman
Frank Carlberg
Ben Waltzer
Frank Kimbrough
Chris Neville
Aaron Goldberg
Kris Davis
Dan Kaufman
Vardan Ovsepian
Tyler Wood
Bevan Manson
Terry Eisen
Pete Rende
Gerry Wright*

Rahul Carlberg



Pete McCann
Rez Abbassi
Bruce Saunders
Kenny Wessel
Nate Radley
Tony Gaboury
Elie Massias
Dave Allen
Tom Guara
Ryan Blotnik

Andres Abenante



Ayn Inserto
Paul Lichter


Guest Artists

Ran Blake
Chris Potter
Bob Gullotti


Staff (Counselors/Nurse)

Mariano Gil
Dimitri Shapiro
Dave De Matta
Dave Estabrook
Darrell Pike
Laura Friedman
Liz Kosack
Fran O’Brien
Sharon Sheehan
Nina Kosack
Dylan Kumnick
Chris Pert
Rick Stone
Anita Hedstrom (Nurse)
Harper Willis
Rob Stillman
Dave Devoe
Sean Pentland
Dee Casher* Ted’s wife – (Original Nurse)
Duane Minton* (Original boys’ counselor)
Bob Gilbert
Craig Skeffington
Andy Forster
Kathy Rende
Brian Sinskie
Sami Stevens
Nik Hasenfus
Priya Carlberg
Michael Beling
Shane Simpson
Andres Abenante
Rahul Carlberg
Marcelo Perez
Mwanzi Harriott


Marguerite Juenemann
Christine Correa
Priya Carlberg



Jeff Coffin
Len Detlor
Greg Tardy
Bill McHenry
Andrew Rathbun
Tony Malaby
Douglas Yates
John O’Gallagher
George Garzone
Dan Blake
Donny McCaslin
Jeremy Udden
Brad Terry (clarinet)
Dan Pratt
Will Bartlett
Ohad Talmor
Bob Thorne*
Jimmy Greene
Ted Casher
David Demsey
Marshall Demott
Adam Kolker



Pascal Niggenkemper
John Hebert
Ben Street
Reid Anderson
Alexis Cuadrado
Matt Pavolka
Cameron Brown
Scott Lee
Bronek Suchanek
Dave Ambrosio
Jeff Campbell
Neal Miner
George Donchev
Bob Sinicrope
Marty Ballou
Thomson Kneeland
Chris Van Voorst Van Beest
Joe Fitzgerald
Dave Zox
Tom Bucci
Les Richards*
Michael Formanek
Robert Nieske



Dave Ballou
John Foss
Matt Shulman
Alex Norris
Bill Mobley
Russ Johnson
Dave Scott
John Carlson
Taylor Haskins
Peck Almond
Bob Findley
Chuck Findley 
John Parker*
Kirk Knuffke
Ben Holmes
Dave Smith
Thomas Heberer

Alex Ridout

Zoe Murphy


Tim Sessions
Alan Ferber
Art Baron
Curtis Fowlkes
Noah Bless
Steve Swell
Max Seigel
Joe Fiedler
Curtis Hasselbring
Joey Sellers
Don Nelson*
Isi Rudnick
Chuck Ackley
Mike Fahie



Steve Grover
Jeff Williams
Michael Sarin
Mark Ferber
John Hollenbeck
Owen Howard
Tony Moreno
Falk Willis
George Schuller 
Diego Voglino
John Guptil*
Jeff Davis
Peter Rezlaff
Richie Barshay
Luther Gray